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** All credit goes to the rightful owner of this blog post. ** No description. Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "The 9 Best Social Media Apps for Business". #9: Apps like Facebook and Snapchat can be great for growing and connecting with your customer base, but it’s important not to overdo it — be mindful of how much time you spend on these platforms each day. Remember that all social media networks have their own rules about posting content, which can get complicated fast. #8: Make sure you check your networks’ policies about sponsored content. If you partner with a brand on Instagram, for example, double-check what they can say about your company and how they should tag you. #7: Focus on the content that engages with your audience, not just your follower count. For example, YouTube videos are pretty engaging to watch—which is why they’re often “dark posts” for businesses who want to test out video content before sharing it publicly. #6: Know that there are different types of social media networks. For example, Twitter is great for quick updates about your business, but there’s almost no way to make money on it. Instagram, however, is a great place to advertise products or sell directly to your audience. #5: Post original content and unique user-generated content (UGC) and use hashtags and analytics tools (like Klout and Kred) to track engagement on your posts — particularly with the latter two — because they'll help you know which types of content perform well and how people can interact with them. #4: Make sure you have a content strategy in place. Your business probably has a lot of different types of content, like blog posts, case studies, videos and infographics. It can be hard to know which ones will attract your audience. #3: Be wary of spending too much time on different social media sites. If you use your company’s social media accounts to reply to users all day, people may not understand that there are actual humans doing that for them—and end up getting frustrated when they don’t get the answer they need in an instant. #2: Make sure you understand your audience’s interest in your brand or product. If you’re trying to sell a fancy pair of sunglasses, for example, make sure people know what type of sun protection they’re supposed to have when they wear them. #1: Give customers a reason to return again and again. Your customers aren't going to come back if their first experience was a traumatic one. Consider making a post about how you're improving the customer service in the next couple months, for example, and also include something appealing in terms of unique content or ways to connect with customers after they leave your site.


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